Welcome to Malcolm Walsh - Energy Spiritual Healer
I specialize in Healing, Restoring and Transforming Anxiety, Depression, Anger, and Resentment as well as any other negative emotions or thoughts. I am based in Sydney Australia and I do distant Healing and House Clearing, HOW BAD DO YOU WANT TO FEEL GOOD!!!
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Malcolm Walsh


Spiritual Healing Sydney

House Clearing

Ghostbusters!! Most houses and apartments will have unwanted attachments and negative energies within them including the land. These unwanted energies will cause disruption and sometimes will create noises and move items around the house. Once a client contacts me I

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Energy Healing Sydney

Distance Psychic Healing

I clear the energy field of the mind, body and soul of all negative attachments and any unwanted energies this will improve the body’s condition to heal and allow more energy to flow into the mind, body, and soul.If a

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Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual guidance is a safe place where I can communicate with the client and help them reach a point of understanding around a situation they may be having a issue with in their life. I have had extensive life experience

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What my clients
